NWEWT #4 Scholarship

This is exciting news!

Part of NWEWT’s mission is to reduce the barriers to learning – one of these barriers is cost.

Some people have awesome experiences, but are not fortunate enough to get the platforms to share those experiences (this was one of the reasons Liverpool Tester Gathering was spun up).

Consequently, we are providing a scholarship to attend this years NWEWT for free!

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NWEWT #4 Sponsors

NWEWTs Mission

One of the goals of NWEWT is to lower the barrier of cost learning in order to provide a seat at the table for those who want to share & learn, not just those who can afford it.

As such, we look for financial help each year to help fund our event.

This year we are proud to announce that we have 3 fantastic organisations providing support for this years NWEWT!

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NWEWT #3 Finito Est

The 3rd iteration of NWEWT is over & the grey matter has had a chance to recharge.

I’ve been trying to unpack all that I learned over the weekend, to try & make sense of it & put it into context.

Once again, the attendees outdid themselves, the content was rich & varied & the discussion went deep.

As usual, we ran a few experiments – this time with the format – to see what would happen. One experiment included not using the K-cards for a session that didn’t lend itself to that style of facilitation. The session was deemed a success!

The retro was also REALLY good this year – we’ve got some great feedback & fantastic ideas to try out in the future. High level ideas include helping increase diversity, variations on format & reducing the afternoon sugar crash…

Apologies, no picture this time, but here are this years attendees:

Ash Winter “Shift Testability
Chris Chant
Gwen Diagram
Ian Smith “AI: friend or job stealer?”
James Hattersley-Dykes “Testing Asynchronous APIs with Postman”
Jit Gosai “Defining DevOps”
Marc Muller “Surviving the 4th Industrial Revolution as a Tester
Matt Bretten
Matt Parker “Experiences in Mobbing”
Mike Van De Waal “VR Testing at PlayStation”
Patrick Prill “Discussion on the Modern Testing Principles
Timothy Fretwell “Testing & Continuous Deployment”
Vernon Richards

Thanks to everyone for the time & effort you committed – it really is appreciated.

Also a massive thanks to our sponsors Association For Software Testing & Testagility

NWEWT #3 – Innovation in Testing is on like Donkey Kong!

Once again, thanks to the Association For Software Testing the 3rd instalment of the North West Exploratory Workshop on Testing (NWEWT) is on!

This year NWEWT is focused on the ever changing future of software development & what innovative ideas in testing are needed in order prevent testing falling behind. So we are considering 3 questions:

  1. What do you think are the next big ideas in testing?
  2. What challenges to effective testing are you facing in your current role?
  3. What testing related experiments are you trying to keep up with the changes in software development?

Please check out the AST grant programme to see if & how they can help you!

Thanks as well to our micro sponsors Testagility!

NWEWT #2 – Growing Testers is a go!

So NWEWT #2 is this weekend – how did that happen?!

We’ve set a challenge to our guests this year; we’ve asked them to share their experiences of implementing their models they use to help grow testers.

This is the invite the guys received:

There isn’t a software testing degree yet, so the majority of software testers manage their training on-the-job.

  • As a Tester, how do you grow to keep up with the current trends in testing & development?
  • As someone responsible for leading Testers, how do you help Testers grow?

We want to hear your thoughts, experiments & top 5 ideas / models for growing Testers!

How would you respond?


Once again, we’re very grateful for the support from